Illinois Judicial Ethics Committee

Confidential Ethics Advice for Judges 


What We Do:  Since 1992, the Illinois Judicial Ethics Committee (IJEC) has provided confidential ethics advice to judges and publicly declared candidates for judicial office.  In addition, IJEC has published formal advisory opinions.  The more than 175 opinions issued to date are easily accessible at the Illinois Judges Association home page ( or on Lexis or Westlaw.  IJEC also recommends amendments to the Illinois Code of Judicial Conduct and reviews other proposed amendments.

Who We Are:  IJEC is comprised of representatives of the Illinois Judges Association, the Chicago Bar Association, and the Illinois State Bar Association. 

How We Work:  We give judges quick and timely responses to inquiries concerning ethical questions that may arise either from their duties on the bench or in their personal lives.  A judge may contact any member of the committee directly or contact Kathleen Hosty, IJEC Administrator at (312) 431-1283, and she will have a committee member respond to the inquiry. The committee member speaks with the judge and, depending on the nature of the inquiry and timing considerations, provides an oral response, sometimes immediately and other times after promptly consulting with another committee member or with the full Committee. In all cases, the identity of the inquiring judge remains confidential.

Our Published Opinions:  Some issues are deemed significant enough to warrant a detailed response.  Formal advisory opinions are reviewed and approved by the entire committee.  Typically, IJEC opinions include the question, authorities interpreted, a statement of facts, a discussion, and a conclusion.  Among authorities reviewed are the Illinois Code of Judicial Conduct, the ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct, and opinions issued by IJEC, bodies similar to IJEC, and courts.  All IJEC advisory opinions are nonbinding on the Judicial Inquiry Board and the Courts Commission.

  • Need quick ethics advice? 
    Call the IJEC (312- 431-1283) or e-mail at [email protected] for an oral advisory opinion.
  • Need a written ethics opinion?  
    Contact the IJEC (312-431‑1283 or [email protected]).
  • Media Inquiries please contact Mr. Steven Pflaum (312)269-8038

Committee Members

Steven F. Pflaum (Chair), Chicago.  

Hon. Raymond McKoski (ret.) (Vice-Chair), Waukegan.  

Prof. Kevin L. Hopkins (Committee Reporter), Chicago.  

Trisha M. Rich (Committee Coordinator), Chicago.  

John E. Corkery, Chicago.  

Hon. Eugene G. Doherty, Rockford.  

Hon. Thomas Donnelly, Chicago.  

Hon. Michael B. Hyman, Chicago.  

Mia Jiganti, Chicago.  

Hon. Ann B. Jorgensen, Wheaton.  

Hon. Mary Cay Marubio, Chicago.  

Charles Northrup, Springfield.  

Dennis A. Rendleman, Chicago.  

Mary Robinson, Chicago.  

Zachary L. Sorman. Chicago.  

Hon. Stacey Seneczko, Waukegan. 

Hon. April Troemper, Carlinville. 

Hon. Carl Walker, Chicago.