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The Illinois Supreme Court has adopted a new Code of Judicial Conduct which will go into effect on January 1, 2023. The opinions listed here were published under the prior code, and are now subject to potential changes. The IJEC is currently in the process of reevaluating each of these opinions in light of the new Code of Judicial Conduct, and will be updating the opinions on a rolling basis.

Please click the below link to view the Illinois Code of Judicial Conduct of 2023 

Illinois Code of Judicial Conduct of 2023 

IJEC Correlation Table


Opinion List

Title Filter     Display # 
# Article Title
1 1993-01: What must a judge do when an ex parte communication is attempted?
2 1993-02: Judge's Request for Ethics Opinion re pending case -
3 1993-03: Judge's Name on Fundraising Materials -
4 1993-04: Judge as Speaker-Honoree
5 1993-05: Judge-Director of non profit
6 1993-06: Judge Use of Condo
7 1993-07: Judge-President of Religious Organization
8 1993-08: Judge on Candidate's Committee for Bar Association Office
9 1993-09:Judge Recommending Candidate for Federal Judge
10 1993-10: Duty to Disclose party is former partner
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